Best Customer Service

Sponsor: Richmond College

Richmond College RUTC offers a broad and innovative curriculum for post 16 study, including A Levels and an extensive range of vocational and technical qualifications inclusive diplomas and certificates and apprenticeships from entry level to level 5. The College is the home to a major £80m flagship building with Phase One completed in Spring 2020. Phase Two for the STEM and Sports Hall due to complete 2021.The new campus will help establish RuTC as a college for careers with an outstanding reputation for services to students and employers. It will bring together education, enterprise and the local community to deliver innovative curricular that utilises the latest technologies and the key features of the campus are:

  • State of the art classrooms with specialist rooms for digital and graphics courses
  • ‘The View’ Restaurant seating 100 customers which can be booked for external events
  • Theatre with seating for 160 people with live performance stage
  • TV, Drama, Dance and Music Studios
  • 3D prototyping FabLab, ceramics, darkroom and printmaking areas
  • Art studios
  • Exhibition art gallery, providing opportunity for local artists and photographers to exhibit their work
  • Business incubation spaces and business lounge for employers
  • STEM Centre
  • Sports centre and pitches

Entry Form for Category: Best Customer Service

    Your Name

    Your Job Title

    Your Email

    Your Phone Number (mobile and/or landline)

    Name of business or organisation

    Please indicate your business sector, type of activity, approximate turnover & no. of employees

    1. Is your business or organisation either based or trade significantly within The Borough of Richmond upon Thames - 20 words

    2. What is the organisation's philosophy on Customer Service? 200 words

    3. How is this philosophy communicated and promoted to all stakeholders? 200 words

    4. How does your Customer Service philosophy impact your organisation functional and support teams? 500 words

    5. How is Customer Service used for the organisation's continuous improvement? 500 words

    6. What is the impact of Customer Service on your organisation's financial bottom line? 200 words

    7. How are your Customers involved in the strategic direction of your organisation? 500 words

    8. Who will collect the Award at the awards ceremony should you win?

    Please upload your company logo and any other documents relevant to your entry here (max. 2Mb)

    Entry Guidelines:

    To enter you need to be a business or organisation in Richmond upon Thames or do significant work in the borough. When completing the entry forms please use metrics for example proportion of turnover, %, numbers in your evidence – this will assist in the judging. All sizes of businesses and organisations are invited to enter and all will be judged according to their size. If you do not have all the answers you could still win – our independent judges will judge you fairly. The number of characters allowed per question indicates the maximum – by no means do you have to use all of these to answer the questions fully. Please attach any additional evidence such as press releases or testimonials or confidential business balance sheets to support your entry. Prior to entering, please pay the entry fee using the button below and note that each entry fee paid entitles the business to 2 seats at the awards ball.

    Prior to entering the Awards this year, please pay the entry fee using the PAY ENTRY FEE button below. This entitles your business to: enter multiple Richmond Business Awards; 2 tickets to attend The Awards Ball, so you and your colleagues can enjoy the fun event including a drinks reception, fine dining and dancing at the iconic Twickenham Stadium; and last but not least so you can pick up your Award should you win. Before paying the fee, join the Richmond Chamber of Commerce to access the subsidised Awards Entry Fee, the extensive business network, compelling advertising and PR packages, free mentoring services, varied weekly events, facilitation services and more. These Entry Fee seats can be added to a table for 10 should you wish to purchase a table so that we can accommodate tables of 12. Please note that the entry fee is paid only once and entitles your business or organisation to enter multiple Awards.

    If you have any questions about entering any of the categories, the process or anything else please contact us at and the team will be delighted to assist you.